Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting started: There's No Need to Re-invent the Wheel

Sometimes when we start something new, we think we have to start from the ground up.  I've been trying to determine where to start with this blog.  What basic information should come first?  I've decided that there is already a LOT of information out there, so there's really no need to duplicate it exactly.  I'm going to share some great links here about getting started with Social Media Marketing, focusing on Facebook since 51% of Americans already have Facebook accounts.  Since my goal is to keep it simple, I want to provide the most basic information first.  My concern is that with my technical background, my simple may not equal your simple.  So here are some great resources to get you started.  What I want you to do is note any questions that you have in the comment section below so that I can gauge if these links contain truly "simple" direction, okay?  Let's get started:

How to Create your Personal Facebook Profile
If you are part of the 49% NOT on Facebook yet, it's simple, start here.

To Build a Facebook Page, you need a Facebook Profile
This will help you understand the difference between a Facebook Page (for your business) and a Facebook Profile (all about you).

Facebook 101 for Business: Your Complete Guide
There is a lot of info here. It may seem complicated if you don't have a full understanding of the links above.

Now, review these links and let me know what you think.  I'm here to help and glad to do it! Post your questions below and we'll figure it out!