Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 Simple Rules

While Social Media can be an excellent networking and business marketing tool, there a few basic rules that everyone should follow, whether promoting themselves or their business.

Rule One: Think Before You Post.
Know that anybody can and will GOOGLE you. Many posts show up openly in Google searches and anything can be copied, pasted, shared, re-tweeted, etc. Don't post anything that you don't want your mom, your friends, your employer, your clients, your professor or a recruiter to see. It's that simple.

Rule Two: It's not all about me!
If all you do is post about what you had for lunch and complain, you will not get much benefit from these tools. The best way to be successful with social media sites in general is to be engaged. It's a two-way conversation. So, actively go out and "engage" with people who have similar interests to you. You never know where that online conversation may take you.

Rule Three: Don't Drink and Post!
This is pretty self-explanatory. The same goes for positing and driving. Posting and drinking and posting and driving are downright stupid and can be dangerous. If you're not sure about this one, refer to Rule #1.

Rule Four: Use Good Grammar.
I know it's often hard to express everything due to the limited characters allowed. That's why certain symbols and abbreviations have become common shortcuts. But that being said, there's no reason to have ugly grammar errors.

Rule Five: Don't Be A Debby Downer!
Be positive! There's enough doom and gloom in the world, so don't add to it with a whole bunch of negative posts and complaints.